Q&A Nancy Chen Cofounder @thebasline
Q&A Nancy Chen Cofounder @thebasline

Where do you find strength on a daily basis?

Where do you find strength on a daily basis?

NC: I like to think about my energy as a physical jar. There's a finite amount of energy in that jar on a daily basis, and I'm very selective about how I deplete my jar every day. You're simply not able to be the best version of yourself to you, to your friends, family, co-workers, or community if you're running on an empty jar, and the size of that jar changes depending on where you are in life. I keep that in mind every day as I go through life: to not deplete my jar/energy/strength on things that will take away from me dedicating time to what's most critical and important to me in my life. Once you understand this concept, you stop asking yourself for more strength to do it all, and start challenging yourself to simply choose, for the sake of your sanity, health and happiness.

What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?

What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?

NC: Don't miss out on your life with the "when I've" mentality. When you perpetually think that you'll only be happy, fulfilled, or settled when you've achieved whatever milestone you have in mind, you risk missing out on celebrating the small wins and beautiful moments along the way. If you think back 10 years ago, that version of you would likely be envious of at least one facet of your current life. Keep that in mind as you go through life so you remind yourself to live in and be grateful for those moments. Live every day like you're the star of your own memoir!

How do you balance work and life?

How do you balance work and life?

NC: I'd be lying if I said I had it all figured out! The closest thing I have to a formula is I do go into each month with an alignment with myself on how much "extra" bandwidth I have to offer up. I'll always do 100% and have the tendency to end up extending myself to 200%, so forcing myself to think about whether I'm taking on projects that tap me out above the 100% during times when I know I won't have the mental, emotional or physical capacity to do so has been key to me. It kind of goes back to the jar concept - are you committing yourself to things knowing your jar is on empty? Who/what actually requires your last scoop of energy today?


What do you wear to feel powerful/confident?

What do you wear to feel powerful/confident?

NC: Ironically, wearing my confidence proudly is what does it for me. There are very few things that exude more "power vibes" than someone who is just fully confident in herself, walking in knowing she's about to crush it. If you're looking for a more literal answer, it's usually an all-black, well-tailored outfit with a standout accessory that pops, whether it's a red lip, a killer pair of shoes or a statement piece of jewelry. I like a mix of mostly polished with a drizzle of edge.

What's the first piece of jewelry you purchased for yourself?

What's the first piece of jewelry you purchased for yourself?

NC: It actually wasn't one big piece, but a handful of understated, elevated diamond pieces I could wear daily. The type of pieces that would stand out in a boardroom, but also pull me together when I'm in jeans. I'm a notorious multi-tasker, and that goes for my jewelry as well.

What's your guilty pleasure?

What's your guility pleasure?

NC: In-depth, jovial debates with my friends about absolute nonsense over martinis. And scaring my husband when I put on sheet masks.

What are you currently reading?

What are you currently reading?

NC: Sorry to disappoint, but between running a company full time and launching another simultaneously, books did not make it into my jar this month. Let's regroup in a few months!

Any regrets?

Any regrets?

NC: I missed a few key events for my friends (weddings, bachelorette parties, bridal showers, etc.) in my mid 20's that still make me sad to this day because I always prioritized my career first. I hadn't figured out my jar balancing method yet, but the hindsight regret of not being a part of those special moments with them pushed me to get better at prioritizing and managing expectations over the years to make sure I wouldn't be in those situations again.

Mantra/motto to leave with:

Mantra/motto to leave with:

NC: "We've always done it this way" is the most dangerous phrase in business.

Favorite RC piece:

NC: My new favorite RC piece is the Multiway tennis/double wrap bracelet! Elevated multitasking on the accessory front to the core and a staple investment piece. An ICON.


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